The American Academy for Certification of Brain Injury Specialists (AACBIS) offers a national program that certifies people who work with brain injury survivors. Certification is offered to a wide variety of populations, from entry-level staff to experienced professionals, and isn’t restricted to any one profession or discipline.
Brain Injury Certification Levels
There are two certification levels, each of which represents a different level of skill and experience: Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS) and Certified Brain Injury Specialist Trainer (CBIST).
To be eligible for CBIS, applicants must:
- Have worked with at least one brain injury survivor 10 hours per week for at least 12 months.
- Have had an experience that included formal supervision or that was done was the applicant worked under a professional license.
- Have the equivalent of a high school diploma.
To be eligible for CBIST, applicants must:
- Have a bachelor’s degree.
- Have five years of direct clinical experience in brain injury with two years at the supervisory level; or three years of direct research experience in brain injury; or three years experience developing brain injury rehabilitation programs or units.
- Have adequate skills in the areas of raining, supervision, and teaching within the brain injury discipline.
Topics Covered During Certification
During the certification process, applicants will follow a course that will ensure they have adequate knowledge in the following areas:
- Incidence and epidemiology of brain injury
- Continuum of services
- Brain anatomy and brain-behavior relationships
- Functional impact of brain injury
- Effective treatment approaches
- Children and adolescents with brain injury
- Health and medical management
- Family issues
- Legal and ethical issues