Driving and athletic activities both carry a risk of serious, life-threatening injury such as a brain or spinal cord injury. Please take a moment to review this video to discover steps that can be taken to lower the risk of serious injury. https://brainandspinalcord.org/sites/default/files/videos/original/MinimizeRisk%2070.mp4
Top 3 Things to Know for New Brain Injury Patients
Approximately 1.4 million Americans are treated for brain injury each year. This video will cover three steps that every brain injury survivor should know.
Three Steps to Finding the Right Rehabilitation Center
Choosing a good rehabilitation center can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of treatment following a brain or spinal cord injury. Please check out the three steps that every brain or spinal cord injury survivor should take before choosing a rehabilitation center. https://brainandspinalcord.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Three-Steps-to-Finding-the-Right-Rehabilitation-Center.mp4
Basic Facts about Traumatic Brain Injury
Nearly 1.4 millions sustain a traumatic brain injury each year. What many people don’t know is that symptoms of traumatic brain injury may not be evident for week or even months following an injury.