Traumatic brain injury survivors face a variety of different issues. Everyone with TBI has different challenges which depend on the severity of their injury; however, other people undergoing similar challenges can best understand the problems you are facing. TBI support groups provide the emotional support TBI patients and their families need to tackle the obstacles of living with a traumatic brain injury. Support groups are a wonderful way to make new friends and to learn about TBI.
Different TBI support groups focus on different aspects of coping with TBI. For example, some groups offer special separate meetings for the family members and caregivers of TBI patients, while other groups have one meeting for both the TBI patient and his or her family. Some groups focus on helping new TBI patients adjust to their new lifestyle, while other groups focus on offering adaptive recreational activities for people with TBI. Some support groups offer support for people with either TBI or SCI and several support groups offer help to people with any form of physical disability. It is a good idea to check out several groups before deciding which one to join; some people find it helpful to belong to more than one group.
We have tried to make the following list of TBI support groups in Minnesota as complete as possible. Since groups change meeting places and meeting times and may disband without notice, we advise you to call ahead before visiting a group’s meeting place for the first time.
If you cannot find a TBI support group, you may want to consider starting your own. The Brain Injury Association of Minnesota can provide information on starting your own group:
Brain Injury Support Group
This group meets on every other Thursday of each month from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The purpose of these meetings is to share stories of living with a brain injury. They are for people with a brain injury, and their families, and friends. The meetings are open for all and there is no fee to attend. No appointments necessary to attend. Please call if you have any questions.
Meeting place:
Cuyuna Regional Medical Center
Clinic Conference Room
320 East Main Street
Crosby, MN 56441
Russ Philstrom, CRMC Rehabilitation Aide and member of the Brain Injury Alliance of Minnesota
(651) 329-1373
Brain Injury Support Group- Golden Valley
All those affected by brain injuries – survivors, family, friends and professionals – are invited to join in group meetings to share resources and coping strategies. Format varies according to the needs and desires of the group. Topics can be educational, social, supportive or empowering & advocacy.
Meetings, facilitated by a Courage Kenny volunteer who is a brain injury survivor, are held on the second Tuesday of most months (except holidays), 6:30-8 p.m. Located in the Golden Valley Courage Kenny campus in the CRP room (ground floor, across from the cafeteria).
Meeting place:
Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute – Golden Valley
3915 Golden Valley Road
Room G21
Minneapolis, MN 55422
(612) 775-2589
TBI Support Group
Please call for more information.
Meeting place:
Mercy Hospital
4050 Coon Rapids Blvd NW
Coon Rapids, Minnesota 55433-2522
(763) 236-8910
Brain Injury Support Group- Abbott Northwestern Hospital
This is a support group for persons with moderate cognitive challenges following a brain injury. The group is led by a volunteer from Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute. The group meets the second Wednesday of the month from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm in Room E1220 located in the Abbott Northwestern Hospital Lobby in Minneapolis. Topics discussed may be educational, supportive and empowering.
Meeting place:
Abbott Northwestern Hospital
800 East 28th Street
Lobby- Room E1220
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55407
(612) 863-4996
TBI/Stroke Support Group- Stroke INSPIRE
Stroke INSPIRE program provides support and education to stroke and brain injury survivors and their families. In addition to classes and support groups, our learning center offers the latest information on strokes, brain injuries and other neurological disorders affecting children and adults
Meeting place:
Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital
Creekview Room
6500 Excelsior Boulevard
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426
(952) 993-6875
Brain Injury Support Group Stillwater
A support group for brain injury survivors meets the first Tuesday of each month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Conference Room at Courage Center St. Croix in Stillwater. The group is led by Mike Strand, a volunteer with the Brain Injury Association of Minnesota and a volunteer with Courage Center.
Meeting place:
Courage Center St. Croix
1460 Curve Crest Blvd.
Stillwater, Minnesota 55082
Phone: (651) 439-8283
Shannon Sagerstrom
Social Service, Courage Center St. Croix
Brain Injury Support Group for Survivors, Family and Friends
This is a support group for brain injury survivors and their families and friends. It is led by a volunteer with the Brain Injury Alliance of Minnesota and a volunteer with Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute. The group meets the third Monday of the month at 5 p.m. at Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute in Stillwater.
Meeting place:
Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute – St. Croix
1460 Curve Crest Blvd.
Stillwater, Minnesota 55082
Phone: (651) 439-8283
West Central Minnesota Brain Injury Support Group
This group is for people living with a brain injury and for their family, friends, and caregivers. It meets on the last Monday of the month from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The meetings are structured so that the group meets as a whole for the first part of the meeting and then separates into a group for survivors and a group for family, friends, and caregivers.
Meeting place:
West Central Industries Job Link
1300 22nd Street SW
Willmar, Minnesota 56201
Alisa Savelkoul at (320) 235-5310 or Laura Albert at (320) 235-8786