Virginia Commonwealth University’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center is studying a new therapy that is designed to help patients and their families cope with the acute phase of their recovery from a traumatic brain injury. The First Steps Acute Neurobehavioral and Cognitive Intervention (FANCI) program is funded by a five-year grant from the National Institutes… Read More
Concussion’s Long Tail
A recent study is linking mental and physical deterioration in later years to a concussion. Canadian researchers from Montreal University focused on ice hockey players for this test, determining that the repercussions of a concussion are felt as late as 30 years after the initial trauma. A similar study that used soccer players as its… Read More
Does Exercise Improve Chronic SCI-Related Pain?
In February’s issue of Arthritis Care & Research, a study funded by the National Institutes of Health addressed the occurrence, or lack of, exercise prescriptions. Of the 700 participants in the sample, less than 50 percent had been encouraged or told to use exercise as part of their recovery plan. As many of you already… Read More
A Quick Update
Thank you everyone for your readership! We have been going through some personnel changes as well as updating our Website. While we make the final conversion to Drupal, we will be bringing our blog up to date and keeping you informed of all the new stories, tips, trends and breakthroughs in spinal cord and brain… Read More
Levels of Function in Spinal Cord Injury
If you or a loved one has sustained a spinal cord injury, you’ve most likely heard the doctor or medical team classify the injury with a letter and number, such as C-4 or T-2. These letters and numbers refer to the levels of function a spinal cord injury survivor has after the injury. Function of… Read More
Major Types of Insurance for Medical and Rehabilitation Treatment
There are several different types of insurance that will cover you and your loved ones in the event of a brain or spinal cord injury. These are Personal Injury and Liability insurance, Uninsured Motorist insurance, Worker’s Compensation, health and accident insurance, and short- and long-term disability. Automobile Insurance Because more brain and spinal cord injuries… Read More