Todd’s Paralysis is a condition characterized by brief, temporary paralysis that follows a seizure.
Causes of Todd’s Paralysis
During the postictal state? following a seizure—the time during which the person’s brain is still recovering from the effects of the seizure—a person can experience drowsiness, confusion, vision changes or blindness, and also severe weakness or paralysis of a limb or one side of the body.
Treatment of Todd’s Paralysis
It is important to be able to differentiate Todd’s Paralysis from stroke, as the treatments differ. Because the paralysis generally disappears within 48 hours, treatment is supportive and symptomatic.
Prognosis of Todd’s Paralysis
Todd’s paralysis is generally confined to one side of the body, and the patient usually makes a full recovery within 48 hours. However, the effects of the seizure itself will determine the overall prognosis for the patient.